Infantile Scoliosis. How to identify

Infantile Scoliosis. How to identify

Escoliose infantil

Today we are going to talk about a pathology that affects many of my patients and that worries me because it is a silent deformity that is often discovered late, which is childhood scoliosis. ⬇️

In a previous post I already brought you the importance of early diagnosis of childhood scoliosis, but how to identify this spinal deformity?

👀 Scoliosis can be easily identified through the Adams Test in which the child is asked to bend forward, keeping their feet together and knees straight. The upper limbs should be hanging, with the hands approximately at the level of the knees.

If an irregularity of the shoulders and rib cage is noticed, as well as a prominence on one side of the back, it is important that the diagnosis is confirmed by radiography and followed up by specialists.

✨ Early treatment, even in small curvatures, is important to try to prevent the progression of some types of scoliosis. When left untreated, the deformity can limit functional capacity and biomechanics, progressively affecting the child's quality of life.

#drpatriciacrippa #physiotherapy #childphysiotherapy #childscoliosis #adamstest


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