Infantile Muscular Hypotonia

Infantile Muscular Hypotonia


Do you know what is infantile muscular hypotonia?⬇

The term hypotonia refers to the manifestation of low muscle tone with decreased strength that leads to sagging and often to a delay in neuropsychomotor development, being a condition that may or may not be detected in babies soon after birth or very young. 👶

A hipotonia muscular infantil pode ser causada tanto por fatores neurológicos, como nutricionais e genéticos, como nos casos de Trissomia do 21 (Down), síndrome de Rett, malformações cerebrais e doenças degenerativas.

👉 Dentre os sintomas, destaca-se o atraso no desenvolvimento motor, a dificuldade de sustentar o pescoço nos primeiros meses de vida e de engolir alimentos, diminuição da força.

✨ In the face of this, physical therapy treatment is of utmost importance to stimulate muscle strengthening and increased muscle tone, in order to help the child develop more quality of life and independence.


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