What is manual therapy?

What is manual therapy?

terapia manual

This is a very common question among my patients and, therefore, I come here today to answer it. 👇

🖐 Manual therapy is a set of therapeutic techniques aimed at the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal conditions.

The choice of manual approaches to be used is based on a careful assessment of the patient, including their pain and dysfunction.

➡ In the field of physical therapy, this therapy is used to diagnose and treat soft tissue and joints in order to reduce pain, increase range of motion, improve muscle length, decrease swelling, increase stability and assist the body in repair. muscle. Ufa! 😅

In addition, touch is a comforting factor. More than promoting more empathic care, touch helps to calm the hypersensitive nervous system, improve sleep patterns and stimulate the immune system.

My way of treating within the method I developed involves – many – manual techniques.

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