Rett Syndrome?

Rett Syndrome?

Síndrome de Rett

Rett Syndrome is a rare disease that affects about 65 out of every 100,000 people according to WHO data. 👇

➡ The disease in question is a neurological development disorder that primarily affects female children, being silent until the first six months of life and caused by a mutation in the MECP2 gene located on the X chromosome.

Os primeiros sintomas da Síndrome de Rett costumam ser bastante sutis.

👶 Between 6 and 18 months of age, babies make less eye contact and take time to sit up or crawl.

🧒 Around the age of 4, they usually completely or partially lose the ability to speak and use their hands, and repetitive and involuntary movements are common.

Over time, mobility is reduced and the ability to communicate and move globally – mainly of the hands – is accentuated. In addition, muscle weakness and scoliosis are also common.

Embora ainda não haja uma cura para a doença, um tratamento multidisciplinar é muito importante para a melhora do movimento e da comunicação e para apoio às crianças e suas famílias. 💙 Se tiver alguma dúvida entre em contato conosco.

#drpatriciacrippa #rettsyndrome #scoliosis #neuropediatrics #motorcontrol #physio


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